Well, I know I got started on the scarf in fine style, using my precious silk/cashmere yarn that looks like string, smells like a fish factory, but comes out elegantly ahead of the pack.

But then - well I don't know if you're going to accept this or not, but you see I got this pattern in the post that I'd been waiting for simply AGES - the Travelling Cables Cardi from Karabella. Adorable Angeluna got it for me and posted it on - for some vicious reason, American suppliers wanted seventy-seven times the actual price of the pattern to post it to Ireland. Don't ask me, blame it on international relations or the weather or something. Anyway, once I got it, of course I wanted to get going right AWAY, and the only possible yarn to make it in was that selfsame silk/cashmere...
So now the Travelling Cables Cardi is well under way, and the Irish Hiking Scarf has been reborn in another lifestyle - this time a supremely luxurious "cashwool" in a rather good lavender/purple shade.

I know, there isn't much to see yet, but I thought I'd let you know that although I was unfaithful on one count, I did get right back in there with something just as beautiful. (I'll be listing a skein of that cashwool on eBay this weekend, under the Celtic Memory label, so keep an eye out for it.)
Cashwool is actually pure merino, but so finely spun that it has the gorgeous softness and silkiness of cashmere. This cone is very very fine, so I've plied it up to - oh, I think sixfold actually - to use for the scarf. A delight to use, though - like a whisper of fine silk through the hands. Will keep you posted, and should have a picture in the next day or two.