Basic Cable Fingerless Gloves by Sharmane
Fingerless Glove Completed
I have been working on my fingerless gloves for about a week now. I tried a couple of the patterns that were posted in this KAL but nothing seemed to work for me. I wanted to use the Double Circular Needle method so that I could slide my hand in from time to time to make sure everything was going well but none of the patterns I saw worked well with this method. After completing and frogging 3 right hand gloves, and several other partial ones I finally decided I would just build my own pattern. I blogged about it at Knitting with a Vengeance. It was a very frustrating process but after a few revisions I created this pattern...
I know you can't really see the pattern in this picture but it looks fine on an Excel file. I have the pattern written out as well but I am a visual person so building it on this Excel chart was the best way for me to get an idea that my pattern would translate on sticks okay. I'll post the written out form of the pattern later.
Thoase are fantastic!!!!
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