New Member and Two Down and more to go
I've been lurking and reading everyone's posts and everyone's Hiking Scarves are wonderful and gorgeous.
This was my first foray into cables and I have to tell you, I was scared of them. How silly was that. It was so easy once I got the hang of it. I have made two scarves so far and have requests for more from my mom and my daughter.
I made this one for my dad in Debbie Bliss Chunky Merino. The color is Forest Green:

For the second Irish Hiking Scarf, I used a variegated yarn that I purchased last year at the Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck. I don't remember who I purchased it from or where and the picture I have of the hank, all I can read is MontanaChili Pepper. If this rings any bells, it would be appreciated. I'm also making a matching headband to go with this one.

Anyway, I'm having a fun time with this pattern and am loving cables. You can see more of my knitting on my blog.