Hiking in the Snow

Finally started my first Irish Hiking Scarf a few days ago, and in spite of limited knitting time, I'm already about a third of the way through. What a fun little pattern!
I'm using a ball of unidentified sportweight wool (Henry's Attic?) that I dyed many years ago for a handwoven baby blanket. Initially I wasn't thrilled with the celadon color and intended to overdye the finished scarf to more of a mossy green, but now I kinda like it and think I'll give it to a friend who wears pale shades. Then I'll knit another for my male friend down South who requested it, this time in maybe a silk/wool blend in a suitably masculine color.
Forgive the badly lit snow picture. I was outside knitting and watching icecicles form, urging Spring forward, and I can't help but love the blue shadows this time of year.
[Edited to replace the photo, which somehow disappeared into Blogger black hole...]