Tuesday, November 28, 2006

irish gifting scarf

(i totally stole this writeup directly from my blog. sorry, i'm lazy.)
if there is a bandwagon i generally am about halfway to my destination before i realize that i've jumped on. such is the case with the irish hiking scarf. a friend of mine was always kind of confused about why i knit. and really confused about why i got excited by yarn. then i took him on his first yarn store outing. he was all, "ooh! what can you do with this?" he found a lovely skein of eco wool, and requested that i make him a scarf. a really long cabley one. since i both loved the yarn and have been wanting to make a cabley scarf, i gladly acceded to the request. and it only took about a week. yay thick yarn!

this was knit on size 10 1/2 needles. for the first time, i think ever, i actually followed the pattern. i am quite pleased with the results.

one more time? i think yes.



Blogger Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Love that scarf and totally agree on the chunky yarn and BIG needles. Makes things happen so much quicker, yay!

Celtic Memory Yarns

Wed Dec 06, 05:13:00 PM CST  
Blogger Hannah said...

It looks great!

Wed Dec 20, 03:48:00 PM CST  

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